five green plants


2018-2022, Alimentarium, food museum, Switzerland


Curation / Research / Writing / Project management / Designing interactive interfaces / Audio & video creation / Mounting

EXHIBITIONS (2014-2022)

During my position as curator at the Alimentarium, food museum, based in Vevey, Switzerland, I had the opportunity to develop and curate various exhibitions on the topic of food and nutrition. The #vegan exhibition was particularly interesting as we opted for a participative approach for content curation.

As the assistant curator between 2014 and 2017, I took over the curation of the Detox exhibition on myths and realities about food and diets and between 2014 and 2015, I contributed to the third permanent exhibition of the Alimentarium. My role involved research, writing various content (labels, factsheets, captions, etc.), curating objects and website publishing (factsheets and a curated selection of the collection objects presented in 360°).


  • Food2049 (food, science fiction & science fact)


    Alimentarium, Vevey, CH

  • #vegan (all about veganism)

    enhanced with a participative webapp


    Alimentarium, Vevey, CH

  • Beurk! Yuck! Igitt! The food we love to hate (an exhibition on the universal emotion of disgust)

    enhanced with a participative webapp


    Alimentarium, Vevey, CH

  • The faces behind food (an exhibition placing the people at the core of food production)


    Alimentarium, Vevey, CH

  • Third permanent and reference exhibition

    launched: 2016

    Alimentarium, Vevey, CH

  • Detox (an exhibition on myths and realites about food and diets)


    Alimentarium, Vevey, CH